Mommy Needs To Vent

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hello World

I have probably lost all my readers, but it is okay. I will just start from scratch. This has been a crazy holiday season and things have started to get back on track, but when I came to post, BLOGGER was screwing up. I have now switched to the new version but not sure how to use it well. So finally I get to post.
I had a pretty decent Christmas and New Year. I am sure everyone else did, but if not, I am sorry. I love getting it all out of the way, because I love the new year. It's a time to improve things in your life and, of course, we all make lovely resolutions that are hard to stick to.
Last year I quit smoking for a bit. Then after awhile started up again. This year I AM going to quit for good. People act like it is so easy to quit. It is not. They say things like their mom quit cold turkey. Well good for them. Everyone is different. I have been smoking for about 10 years now, and I need to adjust. People let stress out in other ways....I let mine out with smoking. No matter how bad it is, a cigarette made it better. Now I just need to find other ways to relieve my stress. It has been good though, I haven't had one in several days. I don't have much support. My wonderful husband hasn't even noticed that I haven't smoked. That shows how much he pays attention. He has worked late several nights this week. NO...I havn't bothered telling him because he will just act like its another attempt and think that it won't work. I am going to prove him wrong this time!
That is all for now. Hopefully I can post everyday and try to catch up with myself!


I hope that you are able to quit, my mom says that it was the hardest thing she ever did. Good luck!
Good luck with the quitting.

Glad to hear you had a good christmas/new year.
Hey Tasha! Good luck with quitting smoking! You can do it!
I'm here for support and advice- the patch baby- the patch. And I'm telling you- you will always have the urge. Nothing will get rid of that. Tim used to act like my quitting wasn't gonna work either..
Good luck with the quitting...

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